Ten days ago, Senator McCain's concession speech...
...made me think of Isaiah 2:4 and 'The Veteran in a New Field' by Winslow Homer:
It made me feel unstained hope for the first time in a while, more than even watching Barack Obama's acceptance speech.
"Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more"
Really? really??
God, I hope so. and McCain's speech is great. but I still feel a bit doomish about the whole thing...
But I absolutely join with you in HOPE HOPE HOPE for the future
fatty x
Posted by: FatimaB | 2008.11.14 at 20:01
Amazing speech. More important than Obama's for its humility and losing context. Great find even though it's taking an age to load on the net today.
Posted by: Charles Frith | 2008.11.17 at 09:25